Thursday, November 27, 2008

Beauty of Nature

We in today's world are preoccupied with so much problems that we don't even give a glance at the amazing beauty of nature. God has made the world beautiful but we have complicated things to such a extend that we  can't enjoy it. 
How can we enjoy  the beauty of nature when a fellow county man is in danger, when so many innocent people die . O GOD SAVE US FROM TERRORISM, POVERTY, NATURAL CALAMITIES etc etc. so that we can live in PEACE and enjoy the beautiful creation of this WORLD.


Unknown said...

hmm..your photos are nice! :) hope to see more from you..

-Anne Tan-

Avishi said...

Thanks Anne.

Martin MY said...

Lovely picture and words great stuff throughout your blog.

Nandu Green said...

Enjoy following your blog - great photos.

hitch writer said...

these same flowers grow at my place... nice pic...